
The Confirmation of Payee service allows customers to check if account names and account numbers match before making a payment. This reduces the risk of making a mistake and paying the wrong person, and can help to avoid payment scams.

What to do if you get Partial Match or No Match

Whichever notification you receive, always remain vigilant when making payments as the service may not always identify mistakes or scams and it won’t stop you from continuing with a payment.

Always be wary if you’re told to ignore a ‘no match’ response, take a sec to check the purpose of the payment and be alert to scams.

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Verify the identity of the person or business you’re paying.


Check for typos and if you’ve used the correct account name.


Double-check the account number you’ve entered.


Pause and consider if you trust you’re paying a legitimate person or entity.

Pay or don’t Pay

Make sure you know who you’re paying before you send money.

Notifications and what they mean

Depending on the outcome of the check, customers are likely to receive one of these six notifications. Whichever notification you recieve, remain vigilant when making payments as the service may not always identify mistakes or scams. Take a sec to check the purpose of the payment and be alert to scams.


The name and account number you’ve entered match the bank’s records.

This does not ensure a safe transaction. Aways take the time to question the purpose of the transaction and be alert to scams.

Partial Match

The name you've entered is not an exact match with this account number. You may have used a shortened name or made a small typo. Update the account name to get an exact match or continue if you know and trust this payee.

No Match

The account name and number you’ve entered don’t match the bank’s record for the person you are trying to pay.

You could send money to the wrong account holder and this payment may not be recoverable.

Account type can’t be checked

We’re unable to check account details.

Continue if you know the account details are correct and you trust the payee.

Can’t check the payee details right now

A temporary technical issue means we can’t match this name and account number right now.

Continue only if you know and trust this payee, or try again later.

Can’t check the payee details

We can’t check this name and
account number because this
payee’s bank doesn’t provide a
matching service.

Continue only if you know and trust this payee.

No checks for some payments

There are just a few instances when you will not be prompted to run a Confirmation of Payee check, these are when:

  • You’re making a payment to a payee that is already saved, or
  • You’re making a payment to or from an overseas bank account, or
  • You’re making a payment to an organisation using the registered payee function on your banking app, for example organisations such as Councils, water or power companies. (This may differ depending on your bank.)

Paying someone FAQs

Why is it important I get the payee details correct?

What does the “Match” notification mean?

What does the “Partial Match” notification mean?

What does the “No Match” notification mean?

What does the “Account type can’t be checked” notification mean?

What does the “Can’t check payee details” notification mean?

What does the “Can’t check payee details right now” notification mean?

Do payment details that I’ve set up in the past need a check?

Who should I contact if I don't get a 'match'?

How do I avoid a ‘no match’ or ‘partial match’ result?

News & updates

Partial Match or No Match result, what it means and what to do

Partial Match or No Match result, what it means and what to do

The Confirmation of Payee service appears in your online or mobile banking app when you edit an existing payee, make a one-off payment, or set up a new payee. The service makes it easier to check the name and account details of the person you’re paying.

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Confirmation of Payee and businesses: getting paid

Confirmation of Payee and businesses: getting paid

The Confirmation of Payee service makes it easier for customers to check if the name and account details of the person they’re paying match their bank records, helping to reduce errors and provide added protection for payments. 

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Banks start New Zealand launch of Confirmation of Payee

Banks start New Zealand launch of Confirmation of Payee

Today marks a significant step forward in protecting New Zealanders from payment mistakes and scams with the launch of the new Confirmation of Payee (CoP) service.

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