To get paid quickly and easily, you must provide the right account information. Where before you might have shared only your account number, now, you must share the correct number and name registered to your account.
If customers are paying you using their personal online or mobile banking apps then you must make your correct account name and account number easy to find.
Sometimes, a business might have a different trading name to its account holder name. It’s particularly important for these businesses to clearly communicate the correct name and number registered to their account for customers to use.
If your customers enter the wrong account holder name, they may be notified that the details don’t match and advised to contact the business they are trying to pay. This could slow down the payment process.
If you are unsure of your own account name, refer to your bank’s website or systems for guidance.
When customers are paying businesses using the registered payee function on their banking app, for example organisations like Councils, water and power companies, the Confirmation of Payee service will not apply. These businesses already have their details checked through a separate process with their bank. (This may differ depending on your bank.)
The Confirmation of Payee service will initially be available to a limited group of business customers with broader availability for those using specific business banking platforms expected later in 2025.
The Confirmation of Payee service appears in your online or mobile banking app when you edit an existing payee, make a one-off payment, or set up a new payee. The service makes it easier to check the name and account details of the person you’re paying.
Read postThe Confirmation of Payee service makes it easier for customers to check if the name and account details of the person they’re paying match their bank records, helping to reduce errors and provide added protection for payments.
Read postToday marks a significant step forward in protecting New Zealanders from payment mistakes and scams with the launch of the new Confirmation of Payee (CoP) service.
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